Pastor Steve Estes elsewhere on the web:
A Praying Church Stories
Prayer is Not Flossing But Breathing: (Spotify Podcast) Steve Estes, author and pastor at Brick Lane Community Church in Elverson, PA, joins Paul, Jon and Liz to talk about A Praying Church. "As we pray we access Jesus himself," as Steve put it. "We give lip service to the importance of prayer but don't really do much about it, and this separates us from Jesus himself... whereas his presence is the essence of what the church is, we being his body." Listen in as Steve and the team share their thoughts on how having the Spirit of Jesus at the center of the church changes everything.
“When God Weeps” - Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty
by Joni Eareckson Tada & Steven Estes
Joni Eareckson Tada, a woman who has lived in a wheelchair for more than thirty years, and Steve Estes, a pastor and one of Joni's closest friends, explore the answers. When God Weeps is not so much a book about suffering as it is about God. It tackles tough questions about heaven and hell, horrors and hardships, and why God allows suffering in this life.
Perfectionism by Steven Estes – Day 7 Countdown to Christmas
Steven Estes is a pastor who has known “better Decembers with my family than either Currier or Ives,” but also understands a gray Christmas. A Better December draws on Estes’ twenty-three years of counseling church members through the holiday season as well his other writings on the topic of human suffering. He teaches a preaching class at Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia) where he completed his M.Div and Th.M. degrees. Estes is a conference speaker and on the board of the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF). Estes is the author of Called to Die (the story of slain missionary Chet Bitterman), and co- author (with friend Joni Eareckson Tada) of When God Weeps and A Step Further. He and his wife, Verna, have eight children.
Allison Bottke
Profile page and books written by Pastor Steve Estes on Amazon
Steve Estes has been senior pastor at Brick Lane Community Church in Elverson, Pennsylvania, for over thirty years.
Steve’s books and other writings began with his longtime friendship with Joni Eareckson Tada. As teenagers, they grappled with why God allowed Joni’s paralysis in a swimming accident in the Chesapeake Bay. Steve left for college . . . they kept in touch . . . she liked the style of his letters.
When her 1976 autobiography Joni spawned thousands of reader responses, she asked Steve to join her in crafting a follow-up. The result was A Step Further in 1978.
Later, Wycliffe Bible Translators commissioned Steve to write the biography of former college friend Chet Bitterman, a Wycliffe linguist who was kidnapped and murdered by political terrorists in Colombia in 1981. Other books and articles followed.
“When God Weeps” - Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty
by Joni Eareckson Tada & Steven Estes
It’s easy to trust God when things are going our way and the world makes sense. But when suffering strikes--especially seemingly senseless suffering--we are filled with doubt and stunned by events spiraling beyond our control. In the midst of suffering, we often question the very foundation of our faith--our belief in the God who says he loves us. Since our trust and obedience rest on God’s character, the questions that life’s tragedies force us to face are difficult, even frightening. Who is God? Can he really be trusted? What are his purposes in the face of suffering? If he can stop suffering, why doesn’t he?
Joni Eareckson Tada, a woman who has lived in a wheelchair for more than thirty years, and Steve Estes, a pastor and one of Joni’s closest friends, explore the answers. When God Weeps is not so much a book about suffering as it is about God. It tackles tough questions about heaven and hell, horrors and hardships, and why God allows suffering in this life.
At A Loss
Follow Steve Estes to get new release emails from Audible and Amazon.
“When God Weeps” - Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty
by Joni Eareckson Tada & Steven Estes
Steven Estes holds Masters of Divinity and Masters of Theology degrees from Westminster Theological Seminary and Columbia Bible College. He is the senior pastor of Brick Lane Community Church in Elverson, Pennsylvania. With Joni Tada, he co-authored A Step Further and When God Weeps and also wrote Called to Die, the biography of slain missionary linguist Chet Bitterman.
“When God Weeps” - Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty
by Joni Eareckson Tada & Steven Estes
Through a panoramic overview of what the Bible says about suffering, the authors make clear who God is, why he permits so much heartache and pain, and how it is we can trust him. With both a practical edge and heartfelt warmth, When God Weeps offers dependence on his love and mercy in spite of our doubts, fears, longings, and questions.
Awesome Books
“When God Weeps” - Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty
by Joni Eareckson Tada & Steven Estes
When life hurts, can God be trusted? What are his purposes in the face of suffering? Joni Eareckson Tada---herself a quadriplegic---knows about pain. Now she and Pastor Steven Estes combine their deep personal experience with solid biblical foundations to help you find answers to your questions and learn to trust God---no matter what. 256 pages, trade paperback from Zondervan.
“A Step Further” - Growing Closer to God through Hurt and Hardship
by Joni Eareckson Tada & Steven Estes
Originally published in 1978, A Step Further is Joni Eareckson Tada's response to thousands of letters she received from people puzzled about the "whys" of suffering. Joni answers these questions by taking a personal look at how God has used circumstances, people, and events in her own life and the lives of others.
A Step Further has been used by individuals, in hospitals and rehab centers, and in scores of countries overseas to bring comfort and peace to those who are suffering. It is available in over 30 different languages.
“A Better December” - Proverbs to Brighten Christmas Audiobook
by Steve Estes
Blog Talk Radio
Steven Estes holds Masters of Divinity and Masters of Theology degrees from Westminster Theological Seminary and Columbia Bible College. He is the senior pastor of Brick Lane Community Church in Elverson, Pennsylvania. With Joni Tada, he co-authored A Step Further and When God Weeps and also wrote Called to Die, the biography of slain missionary linguist Chet Bitterman.
BrailleAudio is an interdenominational Christian resource library consisting of books, teachings, and other materials in Braille and DAISY audio formats.
A Step Further (Audio DAISY Book)
When God Weeps: Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty (Audio DAISY Book)
February 10, 2015 - The Vitality of Youth, the Wisdom of Age
by Steve Estes
This article is an edited and slightly revised version of a sermon delivered at Westminster Theological Seminary.
Charisma Magazine
The magazine about Spirit-led living
“A Better December” - Proverbs to Brighten Christmas
Excerpt and information
Which God is in Your Sufferings?
A five-part article which is divided into shorter topics with the overall idea of “Which God is in Your Sufferings?” Throughout the articles, the authors examine God’s sovereignty and omnipotence in light of a broken world; one author’s struggle with quadriplegia and how God met her in it; how suffering fixes our eyes on a hope for eternity; what God’s role is in suffering and how to take the details of our personal sufferings to Christ.
Christian counseling & Educational foundation
Steve Estes is a CCEF Board Member
CCEF PodcastS - Where life and scripture meet
Self-Deception: A Supporting Column of Addiction:
This week we present a favorite presentation from one of our past National Conferences. Steve Estes is a pastor, author, and board member of CCEF. Speaker Diane Langberg is a practicing psychologist and director of Diane Langberg, Ph. D. & Associates in Jenkintown, PA. She is an international conference speaker and adjunct professor at Westminster Theological Seminary, as well as the author of numerous books and publications, including On the Threshold of Hope and Counseling Survivors of Sexual Abuse.
In this conference address titled "Self Deception - a Supporting Column of Addiction" Dr. Langberg helps us understand that at the root of not only addiction but most sins is deception, lies we tell not only to God and our loved ones, but to ourselves.
Anger Within Church Leadership
Steve Estes is a pastor, author, and board member of CCEF. In this talk, he deals with a sensitive and all-too-often ignored issue of church life.
Many church leaders lack the experience or maturity to handle church politics. This can lead to frustration and eventually anger, anger that could result in unwise and harmful decisions and reactions. God’s wisdom can help even stressed and harried leaders keep their heads in all situations.
Too Numb to Pray
For David, God’s precepts had once been sweeter than honey. Despite dark times, he could almost hear the heavens “declare the glory of the Lord.” On sad days he “waited patiently” for Jehovah. He reasoned with his downcast soul that “I will yet praise him,” assured that “joy comes in the morning.” But not during the misery of Psalm 38:13–14. On that day, no longer able to hear God’s faintest whisper, he was deaf. On that night, all strength having drained from his pathetic soul, he was wordless . . . mute . . . prayerless. This seminar is about that day and night.
Still Nervous About Judgment Day?
Grace permeates every Christian book you read—but still you can't shake what Scripture says about Judgment Day. You know you stand justified, the cross is your very life, but before celestial gates open, there looms God's final public evaluation of your life. Perhaps Luke 12:2 haunts your nights: "There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed." Or 2 Corinthians 5:9 unsettles your stomach: "We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done in the body, whether good or bad." How are you not supposed to be anxious?! This seminar is for Christians feeling the weight of that day.
When My Loss is My Own Fault (Micro Session)
God Feels No Losses (Lucky for You) (Micro Session)
Both of the above Micro Sessions are from a breakout session from the 2014 National Conference, “Loss: Finding Hope that Lasts when Life Falls Apart.”
“When God Weeps” - Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty
by Joni Eareckson Tada & Steven Estes
A must-read for anyone who has ever asked God, “Why me?”
It’s easy to trust God when things are going our way and the world makes sense. But when suffering strikes–especially seemingly senseless suffering–we are filled with doubt and stunned by events spiraling beyond our control.
In the midst of suffering, we often question the very foundation of our faith–our belief in the God who says he loves us. Since our trust and obedience rest on God’s character, the questions that life’s tragedies force us to face are difficult, even frightening:
Who is God? Can he really be trusted? What are his purposes in the face of suffering? If he can stop suffering, why doesn’t he?
“When God Weeps” - Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty
by Joni Eareckson Tada & Steven Estes
When life hurts, can God be trusted? What are his purposes in the face of suffering? Joni Eareckson Tada---herself a quadriplegic---knows about pain. Now she and Pastor Steven Estes combine their deep personal experience with solid biblical foundations to help you find answers to your questions and learn to trust God---no matter what. 256 pages, trade paperback from Zondervan.
“When God Weeps” - Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty
by Joni Eareckson Tada & Steven Estes
Joni Eareckson Tada, a woman who has lived in a wheelchair for more than thirty years, and Steve Estes, a pastor and one of Joni's closest friends, explore the answers. When God Weeps is not so much a book about suffering as it is about God. It tackles tough questions about heaven and hell, horrors and hardships, and why God allows suffering in this life.
Christian Cultural Center
“When God Weeps” - Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty
by Joni Eareckson Tada & Steven Estes
Christian Research Institute
“When God Weeps” - Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty
by Joni Eareckson Tada & Steven Estes
“A Better December” - Proverbs to Brighten Christmas
by Steve Estes
Know someone frazzled, sad, or lonely this Christmas? A Better December by Steve Estes applies Solomon's Proverbs to holiday stresses. Playful and tiny, this illustrated work would be a good gift for your unbelieving friends as it gently introduces Jesus during a month when they are more receptive.
Combining true, heart-warming stories with pen-and-ink illustrations, the book uncovers and answers our December longings.
Crossmap Books
September 7, 2021 - “Ten Words That Changed Everything About My Suffering” - Joni Eareckson Tada
God permits what he hates to accomplish what he loves.
Desiring God
“When God Weeps” - Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty
by Joni Eareckson Tada & Steven Estes
A must-read for anyone who has ever asked God, "Why me"
It's easy to trust God when things are going our way and the world makes sense. But when suffering strikes--especially seemingly senseless suffering--we are filled with doubt and stunned by events spiraling beyond our control.
In the midst of suffering, we often question the very foundation of our faith--our belief in the God who says he loves us. Since our trust and obedience rest on God's character, the questions that life's tragedies force us to face are difficult, even frightening:
Who is God
Can he really be trusted
What are his purposes in the face of suffering
If he can stop suffering, why doesn't he
Joni Eareckson Tada, a woman who has lived in a wheelchair for more than thirty years, and Steve Estes, a pastor and one of Joni's closest friends, explore the answers. When God Weeps is not so much a book about suffering as it is about God. It tackles tough questions about heaven and hell, horrors and hardships, and why God allows suffering in this life.
Through a panoramic overview of what the Bible says about suffering, the authors make clear who God is, why he permits so much heartache and pain, and how it is we can trust him. With both a practical edge and heartfelt warmth, When God Weeps offers dependence on his love and mercy in spite of our doubts, fears, longings, and questions.
Dymock’s Books & Gifts
April 17, 2016 - “Christian Keep Going” sermon by Pastor Steve Estes at Faith Christian Fellowship
Faith Christian Fellowship
“When God Weeps” - Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty
by Joni Eareckson Tada & Steven Estes
If God is loving, why is there suffering?
What's the difference between permitting something and ordaining it?
When bad things happen, who's behind them--God or the devil?
When suffering touches our lives, questions like these suddenly demand an answer. From our perspective, suffering doesn't make sense, especially when we believe in a loving and just God.
After more than thirty years in a wheelchair, Joni Eareckson Tada's intimate experience with suffering gives her a special understanding of God's intentions for us in our pain. In When God Weeps, she and lifelong friend Steven Estes probe beyond glib answers that fail us in our time of deepest need. Instead, with firmness and compassion, they reveal a God big enough to understand our suffering, wise enough to allow it---and powerful enough to use it for a greater good than we can ever imagine.
Faith Resources
“A Better December” - Proverbs to Brighten Christmas
by Steve Estes
Beginning with bite-sized chapters of Solomon's advice to frazzled, lonely people at Christmas, Steven Estes presents the ancient sage as penning his blockbuster Proverbs to help future readers through holiday stress and even sadness. Meant to be shared with all who long for a better December, it points the way to true comfort and a true home.
Google Books
Profile page and books written by Pastor Steve Estes with Harper Collins Christian Publishing
Steven Estes holds Masters of Divinity and Masters of Theology degrees from Westminster Theological Seminary and Columbia Bible College. He is the senior pastor of Brick Lane Community Church in Elverson, Pennsylvania. With Joni Tada, he co-authored A Step Further and When God Weeps and also wrote Called to Die, the biography of slain missionary linguist Chet Bitterman.
"A Better December" - Proverbs to Brighten Christmas
by Steve Estes
Review by Pastor Matt Mitchell
Brief summary of review: “What hath Proverbs to do with Christmas?
That was my initial question when I opened the pages of A BetterDecember: Proverbs to Brighten Christmas by Steven Estes. The answer was surprising, “Quite a helpful lot!”
In this little gift-sized book, Pastor Estes has taken the wisdom of Solomon in all of its brevity and sagacity and applied it directly to the blessings and perils of the holiday season. A Better December is easily my favorite book so far this year and the best book I’ve ever read about “doing Christmas” in faith.”
June 22, 2020 - “Speaking with Boldness”
August 30, 2019 - “Looking at Suffering Through Two Lenses”
August 6, 2018 - “My Friend Steve”
May 31, 2013 - “Meet Steve Estes, Friend and Mentor”
Joni & Friends
You and your pastoral team are invited to join us for a freelunch event! Our keynote speaker, Steve Estes (Author & Pastor) will offer practical insight on how to relate to those who undermine your ministry. Learn More >
Life Institute
“When God Weeps” - Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty
by Joni Eareckson Tada & Steven Estes
Mid Cities Presbyterian Church
"A Better December" - Proverbs to Brighten Christmas
by Steve Estes
The Hot Orthodoxy Blog Review by Pastor Matt Mitchell
Brief summary of review: “What hath Proverbs to do with Christmas?
That was my initial question when I opened the pages of A BetterDecember: Proverbs to Brighten Christmas by Steven Estes. The answer was surprising, “Quite a helpful lot!”
In this little gift-sized book, Pastor Estes has taken the wisdom of Solomon in all of its brevity and sagacity and applied it directly to the blessings and perils of the holiday season. A Better December is easily my favorite book so far this year and the best book I’ve ever read about “doing Christmas” in faith.”
Pastor Matt Mitchell
“A Better December” - Proverbs to Brighten Christmas (Audiobook)
by Steve Estes
Moody Audio
“A Better December” - Proverbs to Brighten Christmas
by Steve Estes
By Steven Estes - In The Christian Life
By Steven Estes - In Culture, Family
New Growth Press
"When God Weeps" - Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty
by Steve Estes
Brief summary of review: “The book is co-written with Steve Estes, a friend of Joni's who helped her find the answers to her questions, one question at a time. (Steve is now a pastor in Pennsylvania.) Together, they structured the book in three main sections:
Who Is This God?
What Is He Up To?
How Can I Hang On?
While the book progresses from section to section, you could just read the section that applies to your personal questions.”
Reading Eagle
September 17, 2001 - Turning to Prayer
By Barbara Davis
Brief summary of article: “They came with heavy hearts last Tuesday evening, filled with compassion for those who had lost family, friends, loved ones – so many came. The fact that the church on Brick Lane had to add more and more rows of chairs to accommodate them. They were the people of Brick Lane Community Church of Elverson, friends and neighbors, coming “home’ to be with their church family.”
September 2, 2015 - Community church builds with “living” bricks
“We’re excited to see how God is enabling us to build,” said Pastor Estes. “Our hope is that this expanded building will allow us to better share the love of Jesus Christ throughout the greater Elverson area.”
Scripture and Plain Reason
Sights & Sounds from Sabbatical - “Becky and I attended Brick Lane Community Church this morning in Elverson. Pastor Steve Estes, the lead pastor at Brick Lane, preached a message from Hebrews 11:20-22 about persevering faith. We were both encouraged by the worship at Brick Lane. Becky and I then got a cup of coffee at Morgantown Coffee.”
Prayer is Not Flossing But Breathing
Steve Estes, author and pastor at Brick Lane Community Church in Elverson, PA, joins Paul, Jon and Liz to talk about A Praying Church. "As we pray we access Jesus himself," as Steve put it. "We give lip service to the importance of prayer but don't really do much about it, and this separates us from Jesus himself... whereas his presence is the essence of what the church is, we being his body." Listen in as Steve and the team share their thoughts on how having the Spirit of Jesus at the center of the church changes everything. Find out more information about the book.
The Curse That Became a Blessing
Rev. Steve Estes | Series on 1 Peter
10th - Tenth Presbyterian Church (PCA)
Small Town Theologian
By Jonathan Shirk
A compact show bringing you comforting and practical truth from a confessionally Reformed perspective to help you and your family navigate life’s many challenges
Society of Reformed Podcasters
I Will Build My Church (Part A)
Sermon from Pastor Steve Estes featured on Small Town Theologian - hosted by Jonathan Shirk
Biblical, confessional, and practical truth in 10 minutes or less. Recorded in Jonathan Shirk’s walk-in closet, the Small Town Theologian podcast is a compact show bringing you comforting gospel truths from a confessional Reformed perspective to help you and your family navigate life’s many challenges.
Spotify for Podcasters
The Curse that Became a Blessing
by Steve Estes - July 22, 2012
Scripture: Genesis 34:1-31
Tenth Presbyterian Church
The Gospel Coalition
“When God Weeps” - Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty
by Joni Eareckson Tada & Steven Estes
A must-read for anyone who has ever asked God, "Why me?"
It's easy to trust God when things are going our way and the world makes sense. But when suffering strikes--especially seemingly senseless suffering--we are filled with doubt and stunned by events spiraling beyond our control.
In the midst of suffering, we often question the very foundation of our faith--our belief in the God who says he loves us. Since our trust and obedience rest on God's character, the questions that life's tragedies force us to face are difficult, even frightening:
Who is God?
Can he really be trusted?
What are his purposes in the face of suffering?
If he can stop suffering, why doesn't he?
Joni Eareckson Tada, a woman who has lived in a wheelchair for more than thirty years, and Steve Estes, a pastor and one of Joni's closest friends, explore the answers. When God Weeps is not so much a book about suffering as it is about God. It tackles tough questions about heaven and hell, horrors and hardships, and why God allows suffering in this life.
Through a panoramic overview of what the Bible says about suffering, the authors make clear who God is, why he permits so much heartache and pain, and how it is we can trust him. With both a practical edge and heartfelt warmth, When God Weepsoffers dependence on his love and mercy in spite of our doubts, fears, longings, and questions.
“When God Weeps” - Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty
by Joni Eareckson Tada & Steven Estes
Third Place Books
The Vineyard Christian Resource Center
“When God Weeps” - Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty
by Joni Eareckson Tada & Steven Estes
Westminster Bookstore
September 15, 2010 - Alumnus Steve Estes gave the first Alumni chapel message on our "Priestly Posture in Praise."